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How Being Active Can Support Mental Health: A Guide for Your Workplace

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining mental health is more important than ever. At LearningWell, we understand that promoting wellbeing in the workplace isn’t just about reducing stress—it’s about empowering your team to thrive both mentally and physically. One of the most effective ways to support mental health is through regular physical activity. In this blog, we’ll explore how being active can boost mental wellbeing and how our workshops can help you embed this vital message into your workplace culture.

The Connection Between Physical Activity and Mental Health

Research consistently shows that physical activity plays a significant role in maintaining and improving mental health. But how exactly does it work? Here are a few key ways:

1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Physical activity triggers the release of endorphins, often known as “feel-good” hormones. These chemicals help to reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a more relaxed and positive state of mind.

2. Improves Mood: Regular exercise is associated with improved mood and emotional wellbeing. It can act as a natural antidepressant by increasing the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain—chemicals that contribute to feelings of happiness and satisfaction.

3. Boosts Self-Esteem: Setting and achieving fitness goals can enhance self-esteem and confidence. Whether it’s a morning jog or a yoga session, completing a physical activity can leave employees feeling accomplished and motivated.

4. Enhances Cognitive Function: Exercise improves brain function by increasing blood flow and stimulating the growth of new neural connections. This can lead to better focus, sharper memory, and improved problem-solving abilities, all of which contribute to a more productive workday.

5. Promotes Better Sleep: Regular physical activity helps regulate sleep patterns, leading to more restful and restorative sleep. This is crucial for maintaining mental clarity and resilience during the day.

 Small Steps to Encourage Physical Activity at Work

Creating a culture that values physical activity doesn’t require a complete overhaul of your workplace. Here are some simple initiatives you can introduce to encourage your team to get moving:

  • Walking Meetings: Instead of sitting in a conference room, take your meetings outside. Walking meetings are a great way to incorporate light exercise into the workday while also sparking creativity and open communication.
  • Stretch Breaks: Encourage employees to take short, regular breaks to stretch and move around. This can help reduce the physical and mental strain of sitting for long periods.
  • Active Commutes: Support employees who choose to walk or cycle to work by providing bike racks or offering incentives for active commuting.
  • Onsite Fitness Classes: Offering yoga or fitness classes during lunch breaks can provide a convenient way for employees to stay active without needing to leave the workplace.
  • Wellness Challenges: Organise team-based wellness challenges that promote physical activity, such as step competitions or charity runs. This can foster a sense of camaraderie while also encouraging healthy habits.
  • Train a ‘Make Every Contact Count’ ambassador through LearningWell to promote meaningful health messaging within the workplace. This training supports colleagues to develop the skills and confidence to deliver healthy lifestyle messages and empower colleagues to make healthy choices.

 The Role of LearningWell in Promoting Physical Activity and Mental Health

While these small steps can make a big difference, embedding a culture of wellbeing requires ongoing education and support. That’s where LearningWell comes in.

Our workshops are designed to raise awareness about the crucial link between physical activity and mental health, equipping your team with the knowledge and tools they need to incorporate more movement into their daily routines. Through our sessions, employees will learn:

  • The science behind how physical activity supports mental health
  • Practical ways to integrate physical activity into their workday
  • How to set realistic fitness goals that align with their personal and professional lives

By investing in wellbeing education sessions from LearningWell, you’re not just promoting a healthier workforce—you’re cultivating a positive, supportive environment where your employees can thrive. Our workshops provide the foundation for a culture that values both mental and physical health, leading to improved staff morale, better retention rates, and a stronger organisational reputation.


Physical activity is a powerful tool for enhancing mental health, and integrating it into your workplace culture can have far-reaching benefits. At LearningWell, we’re here to help you take the next step. Our wellbeing workshops are tailored to your organisation’s needs, ensuring that your team is equipped to support their mental health through physical activity.

Ready to get started? Contact LearningWell today to learn more about how our workshops can help you promote a culture of wellbeing in your workplace. Together, we can create an environment where everyone feels supported, valued, and empowered to succeed.

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